
And the singing girl asks why things are so complicated…  this isn’t the teenage angst of her warbling; this is getting my book to market.

I need to present the absolute best version of my scribbles.

If I fail, I fail because my work is poor, not because the offering was poorly put together.

I want to edit my work, I want a skilled and practiced eye to cast criticism over my chosen words, the rhythm of my writing, the spin of my yarn.

I need this.

But to whom do I turn, and once facing them for what task do I ask?

I want my work read, grammar and spelling errors highlighted; plot holes if they exist highlighted. 

I don’t want the nature of the story critiqued. 

I don’t want unpleasant scenes removed.

Maybe what I want isn’t what is needed, maybe I need more than I’m asking for?

I feel under pressure – although it’s all in my mind, none of it is real.

I’m publishing this book, not to satisfy a Bond style villain who has my loved ones hanging over a tank full of angry bass… 

Nope I’m doing this because I have a need to give my tale the opportunity to be read, to be read and enjoyed.

Can’t be read until it is the very best version of itself.

Can’t be the best version until I’ve had it edited by the afore mentioned skilled practitioner of all things wordy.

So, having spoken with Sean (a patron of the arts) down at the GAA club I now have funding to pursue this worthy cause.

All he requires is a reasonable return on his investment, a few overheads and expenses covered, an administration fee, and all monies returned within six months.  Nice man Sean. 

So, back to the point under discussion – EDITING.

I need one.

I want one.

I just can’t find one.

I put a pinned tweet on social media – may as well ran nude round the big field for all the attention that’s achieved, and this, this talk into the great empty auditorium of the world wide web, this will attract even less attention than streaking past the bemused sheep.

So, we search. 

We search and we pout about it all being too complicated.

Stay safe, look after all that you love and remain sane!

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