The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Magic is a complex thing, some see it as an art, some as dangerous dalliances. 

Where some see mere vaudeville amusement, some see a real and genuine threat to the accepted and permitted order of things.

Some will happily suspend disbelief as the girl is split into three and still waves her hands and wiggles her toes, some will do that, and some will seek to cleave the magician who committed that act into equal and separate bits that definitely cease to move for ever more.

Some seek to guard the lore, some to impose uphold and impose a view of the natural law of life itself.

Enter stage left a teacher of literature (and history).  The wizard needs an apprentice, energy needs focus and support, whereas Mathew Mathews just wants a cup of tea and assistance tying his shoelaces.

A told tale follows full of irreverence death destruction and NOBODY getting the Bauhaus joke!

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