Short Story Writing – A Struggle in less than 10,000 words

I thought it would be a good intellectual/creative exercise.

Trim it to the bones, keep it pithy, keep it simple, keep it below 10,000.

I thought I could do it.

I think I was/am wrong.

I am a pantster/gardener/making it up as you go along kind of writer.

This should have been an exercise in discipline.

It isn’t.

I have so much more to tell.

The ride needs to be longer.

This is a real struggle in discarding colour – in keeping it black and white.

Yet Technicolour is how I flow.

Not really a problem of relevance to the real world, but it is mine.

Our 55-year-old sorcerer’s apprentice is going to need more than just a hint of magic for me to keep within my self-imposed parameters.

I may do it, although I probably won’t.

That’s it.

Stay safe – remain sane!