It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon man…

Indeed, it’s not a quickie, not an instant leap from keyboard to stardom and a castle in Scotland.

The steps between the two are numerous, and some are forever moving. 

The constant, the never changing aspect is the need to have faith.

If you don’t support your project who else will?

Indeed, if you don’t why should ‘they’?

I have a dream, it’s not for a castle or indeed riches. 

These aren’t the thoughts that keep me awake.

I’ll not reject them should they come calling, but my aim is pure, almost pure enough to be an Arthurian quest.

I want to offer the very best version of my work to the world, and for the cold huddled masses to cast their judgment upon my scribbles, having first read it.

That’s it.

No world domination, now renaming the days of the week or months of the year, in fact I don’t really want an annual day to celebrate my work – I don’t.

So, I continue to sabotage myself with crippling self-doubt, the imposter syndrome rides high…

Something must give, mastery has to be obtained, one side has to concede, hopefully it’s the monkey on my back feeding doubt into my ear that will succumb: hopefully…

While the world suffers genuine problems, this is my indulgence, my vanity. 

Will I drown while pondering my own reflection, or will I fly and soar like an eagle?

First world problems and the ponderings of the pampered – these continue.

Stay safe, look after each other and whenever possible spread the love!